Saturday, January 12, 2019

How long does change take?

A mentor of mine once said, "Everyone thinks that change is hard and takes a long time and a lot of effort. In reality, change only takes as long as you decide."

Think about this. Change only takes as long as you decide. How long does it take to make a commitment? Will you make a commitment to yourself? To your health? In an instant you can make the powerful commitment to change whatever it is you wish. How you do it is variable with infinite possibilities. Only you can decide to choose change when it comes to personal health and wellness.

You can make all kinds of excuses. You can listen to your internal ANTs, automatic negative thoughts. You can be paralyzed by your same old self limiting beliefs.

OR... You can make the bold courageous decision to change. You don't have to know or worry about how. That will come when you've made the commitment. That will come when you open your mind and heart to new possibilities.

Making a commitment changes the way you look at things. When you change the way you look at things,  the things you look at change.

I've said it before. It is worth repeating. 
The body is self healing and self repairing. If you will decide to get out of your own way. 
When will you decide to change that which no longer serves you? When will you make a New Years Resolution that will stick? You know what doesn't work already. Will you open up your mind to new possibilities on what will work? Will you believe that change is possible? Are you willing to take personal responsibility? Or are you more comfortable in the victim role?

I saw one of my colleagues today at a conference on micronutrient testing. She and her husband participated in our Intermittent Fasting KickStart program before the holidays and have been practicing IF for the past month.  Her husband at first complained at the cost. Now he loves it. One has a paleo diet. One has a vegan diet. One is a healthcare practitioner, the other a corporate vice president. Both use the supplemental juices and soups for nutrient dense, convenient prepared organic fuel. Both have more energy and improved moods. This is a good example of how one small step can yield big lasting results.

If your goal is to improve your physical and mental health, then commit to a 14 day program with us. 7 days of preparation and 7 days of supplemental support.

We may just be the one to show you the how.

Want to know why everyone is talking about Intermittent Fasting?  It's not a short term crash diet. It's a sustainable and a simple solution for optimal health.

Commit to joining us this week with a live webinar on January 17th for delivery on January 24th. You may  Register HERE.

Carpe Diem,


Neck Back and Beyond scheduled a juice tasting for today, Sunday at 1pm weather permitting. This has been moved to Monday from 6-8pm. Email me to confirm if you are interested in attending.

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