Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Well-being Wednesday

Food is emotional and social. It can be life affirming and anti-aging or it can lead to inflammation and dis-ease. It can be challenging to nourish yourself and find optimal health when the SAD (standard American diet) is so inflammatory. How do you upscale next week’s holiday menu so that it is healthy, nourishing and delicious? Here’s my favorite super simple solution:
  • If you choose to have classic barbecue, then choose to have an alkaline and cleansing salad to help with both phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification. Like this colorful rainbow kale salad (click on image to access recipe):
  • Instead of the chemical laden, nutrient poor, and allergenic nacho cheese dip, make this nacho cheese dip. You can literally make it faster than a trip to the 7-11! Serve with cold jicama slices for extra vitamin C, fiber, and a sweet satisfying crunch. Your gut, your skin, and your libido will thank you! (Click on image to access recipe):

  • If corn is part of your summer tradition, then choose organic heirloom corn that is not genetically engineered and sprayed with Roundup. Roundup (glyphosate) not only damages the gastrointestinal lining, but Roundup is a xenoestrogen and can contribute to breast, ovarian and prostate cancers. See my post discussing glyphosates in California wines.

  • For dessert, who can resist watermelon on a hot summer day?
If you like these recipes and would like to know more about healthful clean eating, then sign up to receive information about upcoming KickStart to Wellness Programs Here.  

Most of all, breathe, relax and celebrate your freedom to choose healthy
choices and enjoy being with friends and family. Feeling good is the number
one simple solution to well-being!


About Lisa Jackson, RN, CHC, RYT-500, AFMC

Lisa is an author, functional nutrition and functional medicine trained health coach, yoga teacher, and retired Registered Nurse with the mission to "Inspire, Educate and Empower" individuals and corporations to achieve optimal health.

Lisa's book, Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think & Thrive is a self-health book offering her Seven Steps to Optimal Health.

When she is not coaching, or speaking, you can find Lisa joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance or playing with her two grandchildren. She is the mother of four adult children and believes, "Optimal health should not be a secret."

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Summertime Transformational Read

I just read a transformational book. It's interesting because several patients had recommended this book to me when I was Executive Director of an Integrative Wellness Program for a cancer clinic. They were surprised that I had not read the book, as it is very much in line with my philosophy and each reported that it was transformational for them. I finally took the time to read it. I love real stories by real people.

This is a story of a woman who had a near death experience (NDE) and shares her lessons from it. I will try my best to share my summary and commentary of Dying to be Me, with you.

Anita Moorjani had been treated for four years with stage 4 lymphoma. Bedridden and dependent on others for basic care, she was admitted to a local hospital in a coma. Doctors were preparing the family for her passing when she found herself outside of her body. She describes the same blissful, forgiving state that others with a NDE report.

What was striking to me about the book is the severity of her medical condition, how her recovery defied conventional medicine, and the resultant power of the mind and the spirit. I've been taught (and believe) that we are more than just our physical body. We have an energetic and breath body, a mental/emotional body, an intuitive body and a spiritual body. We are far greater than each of these individual pieces. Yoga is a tool where you can experience and foster unity of these disparate bodies. Many live primarily in the mental body and are therefore blind to their magnificence and power.

Through her NDE, Anita experiences unconditional love and acceptance and discovers the importance of non-judgment, self love and self-care. These can feel like foreign concepts. Rarely in our society is this modeled and taught.  Instead we are taught to believe "The war on cancer" which becomes a war self. We are taught to believe in "no pain, no gain" and to encourage self-sacrifice. We do not teach self love. What I frequently say is,
"Ask not what is wrong with your body. Ask what's right? What
loving message is your body telling you? Could your migraine be saying to take a break and deep breath, hydrate and nourish yourself, or to pop a pill and power through? The more we ignore our signs and symptoms, the louder and more serious they become."
Anita describes her epiphany on why she believes she developed cancer (in her unique case). She was able to heal by having the courage to be herself. This came from recognizing her magnificence and her power to heal. She heard,
"Now that you know the truth about who you really are, go back and live your life fearlessly." 
I firmly believe that our bodies are self loving and self healing. 
Anita states that fear is the cancer. This was the topic of a video interview with myself and Dr. Debbie Norris of The Mindfulness Center several years ago as we were brainstorming on how to best support cancer prevention and recovery. Dr. Norris is offering a workshop on Mind Body for Cancer for both caregivers as well as those with cancer on July 20th-21st. It is free for those with cancer and well worth attending.

Our current medical system can be disempowering and fear promoting. We depend on external measurements to tell us how we are doing. We are not taught to trust our intuition and inner wisdom. We get stuck in the negative thought of "What's wrong with me" and we somehow feel relieved to get a diagnosis, which is merely a label. Your diagnosis or labels have nothing to do with inner healing.

What is refreshing and liberating about Anita's story is proof of the power to heal from within. Anita's doctors could not explain her spontaneous remission with their diagnostic tools.  I've written before about Dr. Kelly Turner's research and book on Radical Remissions and the nine common factors for healing. Three of the powerful interventions involves: taking control of your health, following your intuition, and deepening your spiritual connection.

Believe in the power to heal from within, no matter whether your issue is insomnia, acne, depression, hormonal issues, cardiovascular or autoimmune disease, diabetes, or cancer. Know that you have the power to heal and that it is your job to love yourself unconditionally. Know that there is unconditional love for you (even if this has not been modeled for you).

Stop the guilt, stop the shame, stop beating yourself up for whatever reason. Forgive yourself and others, ditch the urge to judge, and heal.

This is what Anita writes,
"When we're aware of our own magnificence, we don't feel the need to control others, and we won't allow ourselves to be controlled. When I awoke into my infinite self, I was amazed to understand that my life could be dramatically different just by realizing that I am love, and I always have been. I don't have to do anything to deserve it. Understanding this means that I'm working with life-force energy, whereas performing at being loving is working against it. Realizing that I am love was the most important lesson I learned, allowing me to release all fear, and that's the key that saved my life."  
Logo on My Favorite New T-Shirt 
She further writes,
"I now live my life from joy instead of from fear. Before, without even realizing it, everything I did was to avoid pain or to please other people. I was caught up in doing, pursuing, searching, and achieving; and I was the last person I ever took into consideration. My life was driven by fear--of displeasing others, of failing, of being selfish, and of not being good enough. In my own head, I always fell short.
.....I don't worry anymore about trying to get things right or complying with rules or doctrines. I just follow my heart and know that I can't go wrong when I do so. Ironically, I end up pleasing more people than my old self ever did, just because I'm so much happier and more liberated!" 
...The process of allowing happens by first trusting, and then by always being true to who I am." 
My challenge for you for the next week or two is to really contemplate everything that you do for yourself. Do you look at yourself lovingly in the mirror? Is your self talk full of loving affirmations, or judgment and criticism? If the latter, can you delete the need to beat yourself up?

What do you admire about yourself? Are you making loving choices on what you are putting into your body? Or are you afraid of social isolation if you refuse alcohol or eat differently from the SAD standard American diet? Do you allow yourself time to rest, repair or to just be?

Even if you are not in your ideal body, what do you love about yourself?

Sit with that and work on making small incremental steps to change that which you do not love. Our dis-ease can be a loving messenger. Focus on how you want to feel first, then take loving action so you can be the best for self and others.

Last, Anita writes,
"We're all co-creating this world and our lives within it through our emotions, thoughts and actions."
Now THAT's empowering!

Carpe Diem,

With Love,


About Lisa Jackson, RN, CHC, RYT-500, AFMC

Lisa is an author, functional nutrition and functional medicine trained health coach, yoga teacher, and retired Registered Nurse with the mission to "Inspire, Educate and Empower" individuals and corporations to achieve optimal health.

Lisa's book, Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think & Thrive is a self-health book offering her Seven Steps to Optimal Health.

When she is not coaching, or speaking, you can find Lisa joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance or playing with her two grandchildren. She is the mother of four adult children and believes, "Optimal health should not be a secret."

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Love Your Body

Wow, what a week of powerful messages it has been for me. Tuesday was my oldest nephew's graduation from Lake Braddock HS.
Eddie with my proud Mother & Grandmother
I loved the speeches. First from a student,
"As one of 5,000 students, each of us with a unique experience...know that you are uniquely you. Go create something you are happy to share with the world."
Next, from Sarah Fraser, s successful media personality.  She was 5'3" and 190 pounds in college and wanted to become the white Oprah. She was told, "they don't put fat girls on television. She moved to DC and has been on TV every week since. Here's her advice:
  1. Listen to the feeling in your gut, your inner voice. 
  1. Get your mental house in order. We all have baggage. Put your oxygen mask on first. What you resist, persists. I (Sarah) lost my father when I was in HS and this emotional trauma kept showing up in drinking too much. Addiction is a big problem in the USA and robs people of everything. Be vulnerable and own that. When you get honest, then doors open up.
  1. Work hard. Social media is not real. Don't compare yourself. I had to hustle for everything. Work on your magic. Each of us has our own magic, something no one else can do. People want to mimic who is popular. That doesn't work. Work on being you! 
Yesterday, our youngest daughter came over with two dogs and two children that she is nannying for. I'm in my office and hear a dog fight with screaming and crying. When I get outside, Stephanie is covered in mud and blood with deep puncture wounds to her right bicep. After calming down, cleaning her up, and a trip to urgent care, this is what she says:
"I guess the universe is telling me that I can't control everything." 
Steph was trying to protect her dog who was being aggressive when she tried to tend to the larger dog. Instead of blaming the dogs, she took personal responsibility for her part in the incident.  She refused to see herself as a victim and immediately took action to protect herself and her children from further harm. That morning her gut instinct was not to bring both dogs and children to the pool alone but she wanted to please everyone. She could be angry and bitter, but instead chose to hear a loving message. This is a sign of maturity and growth.

This morning, I cancelled my plans to take care of my own needs. Sometimes we just need to say no, risk disappointing others, to put our own oxygen mask on first.
Love Your Body Day @ RTC 2017 w Stephanie
Tomorrow is Love Your Body Day @ Reston Town Center. It is a charity event hosted by Beloved Yoga that draws up to 3,000 people every year. I'm proud to support the event with a booth and information on functional medicine and nutritional testing. We will also offer my book for purchase and signing, our signature chocolate pudding with strawberries, and turmeric tea for tasting. We will be sharing a booth with PtbyMarge and Nurtured Bones.

In addition to all day yoga for children and adults, some see what's being offered at Rise Wellbeing Center and  Neck Back & Beyond, grab the best fresh squeezed raw juice @ Tasty 6 and hear live music from a variety of artists including Woven Green.

What are you doing this weekend that is nourishing for your mind, body and soul?

Carpe Diem,


About Lisa Jackson, RN, CHC, RYT-500, AFMC

Lisa is an author, functional nutrition and functional medicine trained health coach, yoga teacher, and retired Registered Nurse with the mission to "Inspire, Educate and Empower" individuals and corporations to achieve optimal health.

Lisa's book, Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think & Thrive is a self-health book offering her Seven Steps to Optimal Health.

When she is not coaching, or speaking, you can find Lisa joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance or playing with her two grandchildren. She is the mother of four adult children and believes, "Optimal health should not be a secret."