Sunday, January 29, 2017

I'm So Grateful

My son in law, Brad had a way of "hitting the nail on the head" in a way that sticks. He had a keen intellect and intuition about people.

One of his gifts to me, was after Dana's cancer diagnosis, treatment and recurrence, he agreed to participate in our first family retreat. No cell phones, no computers, no distractions, no alcohol, caffeine or sugar; solidarity to healthy food and a chance for family bonding.

Doug, Lisa, Thomas, Margo, Stephanie, Travis, Dana & Brad- June 2012

To put icing on the cake, I asked him to participate in Let Your Yoga public...with his Father-in-Law, future Brother-in-Law and another macho man. This was way outside of his comfort zone. I was nervous too. Teaching and sharing what you love to family, friends and colleagues is a very vulnerable act. It often begs for ridicule and sarcasm as we all stretch outside our area of comfort with each other.

But he did it! Then he paid me the highest compliment that has stuck with me. After some contemplation he said with authority,
"Makes sense...a natural fit for you."
Here's to finding your passion and "natural fit." May life flow with ease, grace and gratitude. Brad, I'm dedicating this dance to you, "I'm So Grateful"

Bradford Frost, I'm so grateful to have known and loved you. You left us far too soon, but not without making a big mark on so many people's hearts and minds. My son in law passed on last Sunday, in his home as he wished, with my daughter and loving family by his side. One of his motto's was, "Choose Love."

We had a celebration of his life in Detroit last Saturday, starting at the Detroit Institute of Art where he was instrumental in renovating their beautiful public space to build community, It's also where he authored his book, Reveal Your Detroit

Bradford Frost June 4, 1981-January 22, 2017

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