I've said before, what's important to me is freedom, freedom to choose how I spend my healthcare and educational dollars, and access to clean food and water. Both political parties failed us this summer when they removed our rights to know whether our food is genetically modified (injecting bacteria into the DNA of plants), or not.
I want to live in a country where I have the choice whether or not to give chemotherapy or ever increasing vaccinations to my children, without fear of social services taking all of my children away. I kid you not, I've met the Mother who had an armed guard outside her 5 year old son's hospital room because she questioned the chemotherapy being given and wanted to give him an antibiotic. Does the government really know better than Mom on healing her child? Is it criminal to stand up for the rights of your children?
I want to live in a world where I don't fear for myself or my family if I seek alternative or complimentary cures.
The biggest fear in our culture today is the C word... A cancer diagnosis.It's the modern day plague, and is being fueled by fear.
Do you know the parable of the traveler that met the Black Plague and asked,
"Where are you going?"The Plague replied,
"I'm on my way to Bagdad to slay five thousand."On the way back he met the same traveler who said,
"You told me you were going to kill only five thousand, but I hear that fifty thousand died."He replied,
"I told you truly. I slew only five thousand, the other forty-five thousand were killed through fear,"When we are paralyzed with fear we make poor decisions. When we are full of faith we make loving, life affirming decisions.
Fear keeps us locked in the Fight or Flight response and makes it difficult if not impossible to heal and repair. Fear keeps our sympathetic nervous system in overdrive, which is catabolic to the body.
Faith and hope flips the central nervous system switch to rest and repair.
My Son's wise girlfriend, Gabrielle wears a mustard seed necklace given to her by her father to remind her that it only takes faith, the size of a mustard seed, to accomplish the seemingly impossible.
Our Son-in Law, Brad was just diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer. How can such a beautiful power couple both have cancer at such young ages?
Brad and Dana plan to share Brad's healing journey (via blogs (the-road-taken.com and (stealingyourthunder.blogspot.com) as well as podcasting (defendingyourlife.us) the trials and tribulations of this diagnosis, so follow along and share with us. #lovestory#frostpack #fbf)
I plan to share what I know along the way in the hopes that it plants a few seeds of faith, hope, and love. Brad is recovering from 6 hours of surgery at The Cleveland Clinic and we will be meeting with the Center for Functional Medicine later this week.
There we will discuss eliminating toxicity in water, food and environment to change the terrain that allows cancer cells to thrive. We know that when we maximize what our body needs to boost the immune system we all have the innate ability to heal.
Let's stop this war on cancer and begin to recognize the thousands of people who have had radical remissions through self loving integrative therapies like maximizing nutritional and supplemental support, minimizing toxicity and inflammation, and prioritizing self care and self love.
Halloween was born from the Celtic tradition of Samhain when the light is waning and the veil between life and death is the thinnest. The tradition was to provide food to the elder spirits to come and share their wisdom. Let's listen to the wisdom of the radical remission thrivers and have faith in Brad's innate ability to heal from within. If you have any prayers, words of wisdom, or stories of radical remission from cancer please share!!!
With Love & Gratitude,
About Lisa Jackson, RN, CHC, RYT-500

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