The truth is that we all have rogue cancer cells in our bodies. Just like our gardens have weeds. Strong soil with healthy nutrients will feed and nourish strong plants. Nutrient poor soils will allow weeds to flourish. Here's how to nourish your body to support optimal wellness, and information you may not get from your oncologist. No fault of the oncologist. A few things, like nutrition, just wasn't taught in medical school. You go to the doctor to fight disease. You go to a health coach to create wellness. Here's how:
#1 Maximize what is needed for your unique body to flourish and heal: First and foremost know your vitamin D level.Vitamin D is really a hormone and the master of your genes. It should be at least 60ng/ml.
According to Victoria Wood, RD, MPH, CNS, "Vitamin D is the conductor of your genetic orchestra". It controls the expression of over 200 genes. You need adequate vitamin D levels for the body to tell cancer cells to die (called apoptosis), and to turn on cancer suppression genes. Better yet, get a Spectracell Micronutrient test and find someone knowledgeable to read it for you and make recommendations to optimize all of your vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. These are the essential building blocks to a healthy body.
Here's an exert from my Kick Start to Wellness Program and quote from the man who mapped the Human Genome:
"Genes are absolutely not our fate. They give us useful information about the increased risk of a disease, but in most cases they will not determine the actual cause of the disease, or the actual incidence of someone getting it. Most biology will come from the complex interaction of all the proteins and cells working with environmental factors, not driven directly by the genetic code"-Dr. Craig Venter, PhD.The food on your plate matters and it can be a powerful form of chemotherapy that can change your genetic expression at the stem cell level. Drugs, surgery and radiation cannot do this. It makes no sense to do conventional therapies without attention to the power on your plate.
I've quoted Dr Kelly Turner before,
"If we are going to win the war on cancer shouldn't we be studying those who have already won?The famous Framingham Study looked at women with BRAC 1 and BRAC 2 mutations that did NOT get cancer. What differentiated these women? It was the diversity in their diet. Most of us eat the same food every day, yet our bodies were meant to eat a much wider and wilder diet. We can easily get caught in a rut when it comes to feeding ourselves. Have fun playing and experimenting with food. Go to your local farmers market tomorrow and buy a new (organic, non-gmo vegetable) and try roasting or sauteing it. Here's one my intern, Yonina Blech-Hermoni brought in to our nutrition group lately that was supremely delicious:
Can anyone tell me what it is?
#2 Minimize Stress, Inflammation and Toxicity: There is a lot published on the negative effect of toxins in our food, personal care products, cleaning supplies, water, air and thoughts. I covered this in my book Savvy Secrets. What I did not cover, and is becoming a bigger picture, is the affect of electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic frequency that we are all exposed to. Here's an important short you tube video to explain concerns and what you can do to protect yourself and your children who are particularly affected. Please take the time to watch:
Please don't jog with your cellphone in your breast pocket! When I was studying integrative nutrition I learned that 35% of 23 year old men suffer from infertility. This was not the case three decades ago. Men, please do not carry your cellphone in your front pants pocket. To get an assessment of your home and for more resources check out the The Center for Wireless Safety
Also, does it make sense to get annual mammograms to look for microscopic cancer cells? My daughters oncologist in Arizona advocated Thermography as a first line followed by an ultrasound, both non invasive procedures. If you are in the Washington, DC area you can get one this month @ Neck Back & Beyond
Remember, we all have cancer cells in our bodies so how do you boost your immune system to protect yourself? See #1 Vitamin D! In fact, Victoria Wood cites a study in nursing homes giving one set of residents vitamin D and another set the flu vaccine. Vitamin D was more effective than the flu shot in preventing the flu. We recommend Vitamin D3/K2 liquid drops to boost the immune system, K2 is essential to get calcium in the bones and prevent osteoporosis as well as for gut and immune health. Contact me for a great source.
#3 Prioritize Self Care, rest and repair, relaxation, laughter, breathing, exercise, meaningful relationships and work. I find this the most challenging of the three for myself and other busy women. Here's a few pictures of my health coach retreat I attended last month and hope to offer something similar in my home when my yoga dance space is completed. Although it's tough to match the beauty of morning yoga overlooking the mountains in Asheville, NC!
What will you do this weekend to prioritize self?
Carpe Diem,
About Lisa Jackson, RN, CHC, RYT-500

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