I worked 7 days this week and although I love what I do, I realized that I was needing time for me. This morning, I went outside, I danced in the moonlight, looked up, and saw a shooting star. A reminder that it was time to explore my own vast inner world. Time to exercise, to meditate and to write. It felt deeply nourishing.
Today is Columbus Day; a day to celebrate freedom. More than one of my clients have said, "I feel like a prisoner to my disease." There are more than 68,000 diagnosis codes in the ICD-10 International Classifications of Diseases that our modern medicine relies on for insurance reimbursement. That is a lot of labels of what's wrong with us. That's a lot of negative news. It's enough to make you anxious. Add in the radio and television ads like, "Do you have Gastric Esophageal Reflux Disease?" Translated to, are you eating fake food that is irritating your stomach? Or do you have so much stress that your body thinks it should be running away instead of digesting food? You can see how easy it is to get trapped in the "What's wrong with me?" mindset.
What if all these labels and signs and symptoms were merely a loving message from within signaling a need for change? A nudge to point to a new direction? Imagine what your life might look like if you used your inner compass for direction instead of fearful labels. Focus on where you want to go. Use the dis-ease as a buoy so you don't shipwreck your body. Use your dreams and desires as a lighthouse to sail towards.
When you are locked into labels, it is hard to see clearly. I find it fascinating that autoimmune disease is growing at an epidemic rate. This by definition, is failure to recognize self. It's a cry and reminder to pay attention to self. If you believe that the world is flat, then it's easy to fear going too far and falling off the end of the earth. Please do not become victim to self limiting beliefs and labels. Don't become so locked into your disease that you are covered in fog and cannot see the lighthouse.
If you know and believe that your body is self healing and self repairing then you are empowered to move in new directions. You are free to play and experiment with different choices. This can be the gift of the dis-ease, if you are open to new possibilities.We hear a lot about "finding balance." Balance is not a static end point. It's more like a dance with a rhythm. Some days you may need a vinyasa practice or aerobic exercise, to run, punch a bag, or to dance. Other times your body may need deep rest and a meditative practice. We can get so locked in our "shoulds" that we lose touch with ourselves. See if you can find fluidity in your physical practice. See if you can practice self compassion on days when your body is needing deep rest. Don't worry, you won't sleep forever and you won't fall into the deep abyss, if you follow your heart.
Where do you practice freedom? Are you free to fully express yourself in your deepest relationships? Can you honor your unique thoughts, needs and desires enough to speak your truth? Being true to self takes courage in a world focused on conformity.
Free yourself from food myths and marketing. Food can be medicine or the same food can be another man's poison. We are all unique. Honor your unique body's needs and rhythms. Our genes have been adapting for as long as our existence, based on your stressors. What stress do you need to remove in order to fully digest and assimilate nutrition?
Diversity in the diet is the #1 practice you can do for longevity. Try a new food or recipe this week. Focus on feeling good without the need for addictive food or substances. Self medication is only sustainable for so long. Freedom may come by doing something radically different. Spend time fasting to give your gastrointestinal tract time to heal and repair. Or join us on October 25th to learn about and commit to an Intermittent Fasting KickStart. This is a great pre-holiday kickstart that is sustainable with supplemental juices, nut mylks, MCT shots, and soups to be delivered on November 1st, just after Halloween.
Take time today to enjoy nature, return to self and dare to explore the vast inner world of your unique body, mind and spirit. Focus on where you want to go and explore new ways to get there. Ask yourself what limiting belief is holding you back from obtaining your goals. No amount of medication or supplementation can compare to the power of practicing self love, compassion and self care. Go where no man has gone before. Dare to explore the vast world of infinite possibility within you.
Carpe Diem,
About Lisa Jackson, RN, CHC, RYT-500, AFMC

Lisa's book, Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think & Thrive is a self-health book offering her Seven Steps to Optimal Health.
When she is not coaching, or speaking, you can find Lisa joyfully sharing yoga and Carpe Diem Dance or playing with her two grandchildren. She is the mother of four adult children and believes, "Optimal health should not be a secret."
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