Group. This week we had a special guest speaker, Victoria Wood, MPH RD CNS, attend our nutrition support group. She brought several informative handouts, but one written by Dr. Keith Block, MD, on 10 powerful anti-cancer agents, caught my attention. You see, I am deficient in the MTHFR genetic snp suggesting that I need to take extra CoQ10 to correct a defect in energy metabolism that is also a major problem for cancer patients. Coenzyme Q is an important part of our mitochondria (our power plant for cellular energy). It also acts as an antioxidant, protecting us from harmful free radicals that promote growth and metastasis of tumors.
There has been extensive research on this one coenzyme over the last 35 years. Why the fuss? "Remarkably, coQ10 protects the heart against toxic effects of Adriamycin, a common cancer drug with cardio toxic effects. Not only is it protective but one study showed that it doubled anti-tumor activity while taking the drug.”
In yet another study, "researchers gave 300mg to one breast cancer patient who had surgery but still showed evidence of cancer. After three months she was in excellent health with no sign of cancer." The study's head investigator noted that in treating almost 7000 cases of breast cancer over a 35 year period, he had never seen spontaneous and complete regression of a two-centimeter breast tumor, and had never seen a comparable regression with any conventional therapy. Beyond this study, numerous anecdotal reports have appeared in which the tumors of patients with advanced breast cancer disappeared entirely, including one patient with numerous metastasis to the liver." Keith Block, MD.
Like all supplements, there are several essential considerations. Product purity and quality, dosage, how and when taken, are all important for optimal absorption and efficacy.
Admittedly, there is no one silver bullet in cancer treatment or treatment from any chronic disease, but this is definitely a savvy secret!
Carpe Diem!
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