Someone I love dearly just received feedback on her functional
diagnostic test results. Her clinician said her results were the “highest I’ve
ever seen.” In other words, off the chart, and not in a good way.
I told her she has two
choices. She can beat herself up or she can celebrate!
There is no judgment here. Just face the facts, if you are
not 100% satisfied with where you are, then no worries. Carpe Diem, seize today,
to change the roadmap.
You choose how to react. Recognize that you can either
lament, “What’s wrong with me?” OR you can celebrate the body’s natural ability to heal from within and recognize
what’s right with you!
What is your body trying to lovingly tell you? Recognize
that your signs and symptoms are the body’s only way to communicate with you. The test results are merely a signal to change
If you are stubborn
like me, or a type A Washingtonian that has been bred to “power on” and ignore
these messages, then you might have to have more serious wakeup calls before it
sinks in. (Yes, I know this all too
well!) I used to have migraines every Christmas Eve after doing all the
shopping, wrapping, cooking and cleaning.
Now I’m learning to delegate and to lower my expectations of perfection.
Are you overwhelmed? Are you trying to do too much? What can
you do to alleviate the stress you are feeling in your mind, body and spirit?
If you suffer from chronic dis-ease or malaise then try
something new. Take personal
responsibility and make a commitment to the most important person in your
Here are a few suggestions:
- Address nutritional deficiencies and discover what diet is the right one for you. (Hint, forget the many marketing myths.)
- Commit to resolving sleep issues.
- Identify the right exercise program for you for optimal healing.
- Explore different ways to breathe and
- Learn how to plan, shop and cook for yourself.
- Ask yourself what you can do each day that is yummy, nourishing and delicious. What life affirming choices can you make each day?
- Find someone who can help you uncover hidden stressors, work with you to co-create a custom plan for your own roadmap, and help you when you stray off the beaten path.
Enjoy the holiday season and let me know if you are
interested in joining me in an online Kick Start Program to support you.
Lisa is an author, inspirational speaker, retired RN, Certified Health Coach and Yoga Teacher. Her book, Savvy Secrets: Eat,Think & Thrive; Seven Steps to Optimal Health, is a self health book to enable healing from within. Her goal is to inspire wellness and to help others look and feel their best at any age. Lisa is part of the New Self Health Movement, the International Health Coach Association, and the Wellness Inspired Network. She is the mother of four adult children, soon to be Grandmother, and believes that optimal health should not be a secret! When she is not coaching, speaking and writing, you can find her practicing yoga and joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance at every opportunity.

Lisa is an author, inspirational speaker, retired RN, Certified Health Coach and Yoga Teacher. Her book, Savvy Secrets: Eat,Think & Thrive; Seven Steps to Optimal Health, is a self health book to enable healing from within. Her goal is to inspire wellness and to help others look and feel their best at any age. Lisa is part of the New Self Health Movement, the International Health Coach Association, and the Wellness Inspired Network. She is the mother of four adult children, soon to be Grandmother, and believes that optimal health should not be a secret! When she is not coaching, speaking and writing, you can find her practicing yoga and joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance at every opportunity.