As Always, I welcome any feedback or comments
- We can heal ourselves from within....truly
- Trust your gut, heart and inner voice
- We are in our infancy when it comes to our knowledge of Nutrition
- We are in our infancy when it comes to our knowledge of mind body medicine
- Much wisdom can be learned from our ancient spiritual texts as well as modern day texts
- Love heals,
- Self love is imperative for good health
- Self love, nutrition and herbs are the most powerful healing medicines
- We can change the structure of water with our thoughts and emotions, our bodies are 70% water, our brain is 85% water; therefore we can change our internal landscape with our thoughts and emotions
- The rest is energy
- We must dare to dream and use our imagination for that is the beginning of our reality and the future
- We MUST take control, accountability and responsibility for our health. NO one has all the answers if they say they do, be skeptical!
- We are surrounded by serendipity and miracles everyday and by practicing gratitude and optimism we can learn to see them.
- We are spiritual beings in a material world. We become what we sow, we are what we eat, drink, read and think.
- It is in giving that we receive, when we find meaning in life and a purpose greater than ourselves we grow spiritually.
- We MUST raise political and social awareness or we will lose all of our freedoms including what we can plant, eat and freedom of medical choice.
- We are not the labels that are placed upon us by our schools, psychologists and physicians. These labels create self limiting thoughts and behaviors and self fulfilling prophecies.
- We do not need a pill for every ill and we are not imprisoned by our genes.
- We can reverse the expression of our DNA
- Science does not have all the answers. Just because we can’t or won’t see something does not mean that it does not exist or is not possible
- We must still the conscious mind and practice accessing our inner subconscious mind to find our inner wisdom, strength and creativity.
- We must be open to questioning the limits the conscious mind places upon us and practice the art of learning to listen, breathe, laugh and dance! Then, we can find and follow our passions
- Our physical symptoms are signs that our gut, heart and inner self is out of alignment with our conscious mind. (See #2)
- When our chakras or energy centers are in alignment we have an abundance of energy to find and follow our passions.
- When the mind body and spirit are aligned the world becomes abundant with infinite possibilities.
Carpe Diem & Namaste