Friday, April 29, 2016

My twin sister's husband Dan, the father of my two nephews, passed away 1 year ago. In fond memory of him today, I want to thank him for probably saving my life. At the very least, a serious wake-up call nicknamed the silent killer.

I had started  a new job which felt heavy on my shoulders. I had resisted being a cancer coach and my brother in law, who didn’t believe there was anything outside of conventional medicine that could be done for him, was dying of his own cancer.  On his first night before hospice, as I was up all night with him,  as he obsessively tested his blood pressure I decided to take mine and discovered it was 187/132.  I called an MD friend with his PhD in pharmacology and complementary medicine to see what he could offer me to bring it down and he said, “call 911”  When I didn’t call 911 the next day he gave me a loving lecture on the meaning of integrative medicine, i.e. taking the best of both conventional medicine and complementary and alternative and traditional medicines and mind body therapies and bringing them all together.

So this last year I’ve been on a mission, “healer, heal thyself.” 

The cardiologist said, Lisa just face it when everyone gets older, they get high blood pressure and need medication.  I said, “I agree that medicine can be life saving in the short run but I’m not going to accept this as a given for long term therapy. I want to know the root cause.  I want to know why is it high and what can I do about it? 
  1.  Yes, I’m passionate about my job and have a propensity to over function
  2. Yes, my genetic snps predispose me to both hypertension and difficulty eliminating toxins and stress hormones
  3. Yes, despite all of this, I’ve been addicted to stress and the adrenaline rush.  Like many born Washingtonians, I wear stress like a badge of honor.  I’m not taking just one more certification program; I’m currently enrolled in three!

I talk about the Superwoman/Superman Complex because I know her so well; I have a first hand, personal relationship with her.  I suffer from the myth that I can do it all, all the time, and fly with no rest and Superwoman power.

This past year, I spent a good portion of time beating myself up asking, “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I get my blood pressure down?”  This is the cartoon I took to my Doctor which is so me!:

Seriously, I finally had to let go, take my own advice, and ask, “What’s right with me? What is my loving heart trying to tell me?”  My heart was saying, “Slow down.  It’s not your job to be the savior, or to “fix” or even heal anybody”. The body heals itself (see below). I can merely be a guide and help remove the obstacles. I had to learn to honor everyone’s journey and choices in this life.

So this past year I got serious, really serious. I could no longer ignore the symptoms and stuff the issues in my tissues.

Here’s what I’ve done so far:
  1.  I followed my own seven steps, starting with an honest personal assessment.  What is it that I really really want? Who is it that I want to serve? What’s my heart telling me? I cried and I danced….alot.
  2. I hired a coach and a mentor in functional medicine.
  3. I did micronutrient testing and discovered I was lacking in several key nutrients and minerals for heart health. Despite my healthy food, I was still deficient. I began a targeted supplement program.
  4. I committed to turning off the computer and going to bed by 10pm and took supplements for sleep.
  5. I did all kinds of baseline conventional and functional cardiac tests. Discovered I was in metabolic chaos and late stage HPA axis dysfunction.
  6. I addressed intestinal permeability and gut dysbiosis.
  7. I finally addressed the heavy metal toxicity that was identified years ago. I was off the chart for toxicity.
  8. I developed my own yoga and meditation practice. (Giving myself this time was really one of the most challenging, and rewarding gifts)
  9. I gave up my nightly 1-2 glasses of wine and chocolate. (not easy for either myself or my husband). I had to kick the sugar cravings…again!
  10. I took much needed vacations and co-facilitated a retreat focused on play, self-care, and yoga dance.  I’m even more committed to the value of play!

I’m developing more self-compassion; I’ve had to learn patience, that this is a process.  Long-term sustainable change takes compassion, time and patience. It's not hard or complicated, and if I can do it, so can you. Managing stress is imperative if you want to lose weight or heal from any dis-ease. 

This is an ongoing practice for me; I’m far from perfect. It took me a good year and my pressure still creeps up to borderline high under too much chronic stress. I’ve improved my total LDL by over 40% and my last micronutrient test; I had improved all of my nutrients, minerals and amino acids with the exception of Vitamin D and magnesium. (Stress eats up magnesium and exercise increases the need for vitamin D too.) I guess I’m just going to have to become a snowbird to make it through winter!

Do you spend so much time caring for others that you find it hard to prioritize YOU? I offer a weekly support group at The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders in Bethesda, Maryland that is just as important for family, friends and caretakers to attend as it is for patients. If we cannot find balance in our lives, we will become ill. As my own health coach and guru says, “Optimal Health is not complicated. We just need to Maximize, Minimize & Prioritize.” 

This is how the body heals naturally from within. Doing it consistently is the challenge and where a health coach can be invaluable. Call me if you'd like to discuss if we are a good fit to work together. Carpe Diem!

With Love & Gratitude,


My Friend Luzy Perez is having her last sprouting class for the year today! She will be traveling to Thailand to help her son with his growing business. Please join her if you can!


Lisa is an author, inspirational speaker, retired RN, certified health coach, and yoga teacher.

Her book, Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think & Thrive: Seven Steps to Optimal Health is a self health book to enable healing from within. Her goal is to inspire wellness and to help others look and feel their best at any age.

Lisa is part of the New Self Health Movement, the International Health Coach Association and the Wellness Inspired Network. She is the mother of four adult children, a Grandmother, and believes that optimal health should not be a secret! When she is not coaching, speaking and writing, you can find her practicing yoga and joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance at every opportunity.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Will you honor today as Earth Day?

Today is Earth Day. My business Carpe Diem Wellness is a dba of another business that my husband and I started several years ago called Innovative Green Solutions. A few years ago we participated in Earth Day in Washington DC as we were instrumental in building the world’s first railroad bridge out of recycled plastic. Both of these businesses reflect our values around sustainability. My husband is now dedicating his time, energy, resources and focus on a new sustainable business. He is focused on preserving our precious resources through recycling and recreating clean glass. 

Today, we are reminded how important sustainability is in everything we are and do. It’s a good day to develop a practice of discrimination and discernment. As I said in my book, Savvy Secrets, Eat, Think And Thrive, food is either life affirming or can lead us into deprivation and early death. The same is try for our thoughts and our actions.

I am also in yin yoga teacher training today and this weekend. Yoga philosophy includes the idea of Karma, that every action creates an effect. Yin Yoga is a new ancient practice born out of our search for balance and freedom from suffering. It is a powerful and trans-formative tool and a natural progression in your yoga practice.

We all have the need for both silence and reflection as well as action. We need both if we are to discover and then manifest our dharma or our purpose in life. We need to honor and accept both; the yin and yang, the light and the darkness, what we label as the good and the bad. 

There are many examples of this found in nature. The seed must grow deep roots in the dark nourishing mud before the plant moves toward the sunlight. The beautiful fruit and flower is the result of both the darkness and the light. Neither is right or wrong or better than the other, it just is. 

How do we transform ourselves as well as our environment? We take an honest personal assessment; without judgement or shame. We accept what is so we can discern how to best respond. Will we react out of fear and anger or respond out of love and compassion? 

No matter what your political viewpoints are, today will you reflect on sustainability? A wise man said, "You don't have to be wrong in order for me to be right." How do we make sustainability a priority for the sake of our children and grandchildren in all of our decisions?

Here's a couple of ways to take action. If you are in Northern Virginia, Salud Healthy Pantry is offering to sustain-ably recycle your old electronics today through Sunday. Stop by and support a local vendor offering local sustainable and organic offerings. Breathe deeply and give thanks for all that are working towards a more sustainable world. Spend some time in silence to reflect on how you can nourish life and our planet. 

With Love & Gratitude,


Lisa is an author, inspirational speaker, retired RN, certified health coach, and yoga teacher.

Her book, Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think & Thrive: Seven Steps to Optimal Health is a self health book to enable healing from within. Her goal is to inspire wellness and to help others look and feel their best at any age.

Lisa is part of the New Self Health Movement, the International Health Coach Association and the Wellness Inspired Network. She is the mother of four adult children, a Grandmother, and believes that optimal health should not be a secret! When she is not coaching, speaking and writing, you can find her practicing yoga and joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance at every opportunity.

Friday, April 8, 2016

More on Love from Mexico & Weekend Workshop Announcements

I woke up early in Mexico while on vacation with my husband; I couldn’t sleep due to the sunburn I earned the first day here. Yes, you think I should know better than to fall asleep in the sun with my pale white skin. But it felt so good to sleep in the warm sun!  Yes, even old health coaches are human.

Yes, and even health coaches find it challenging to be in an all-inclusive resort and not be tempted by the #1 ingredient…sugar!

Let’s face it. Our culture (particularly if you are from the United States) thrives on sugar, alcohol and empty carbohydrates from government subsidized GMO (genetically modified organism, i.e. injecting foreign bacteria into DNA) grains. We are all addicted from a very young age. Even our most popular infant formulas and baby foods are full of questionable products that encourage diabetes, obesity and cancers.

Do your own research; once you get through the marketing hype, see what’s in infant formula and notice the synthetic chemicals and GMO’s versus real nutrition. Here’s the top ingredients in the “sensitive formula” of one of the top baby food formulas:

“Corn Syrup, milk protein isolate, High Oleic Safflower Oil, Sugar, Soy Oil,”

Need I say more? One source said corn syrup (GMO) was 42.6%! As this mother said, “No wonder my baby slept through the night at 3 months old, she was chalked full of corn syrup, one of the hardest and most processed ingredients to digest.” This is the #1 formula for sensitive tummies. It’s not difficult to see how this predisposes the child to future health challenges.

Other shocking facts is that baby formula cans are lined with BPA and now almost all formulas include a synthetic additive form of DHA that may have been extracted with hexane gas in the process (a known neurotoxin which has been banned in Europe but not here in the USA). No wonder we spend more than any other country in healthcare only to be at the bottom of the list for health. As a new grandmother, this is unacceptable!

I woke up burned, dry and dehydrated, thinking how simple the solution for my sunburn. Hydrate with clean water, lemon or lime, eat lots of vegetables and a little fruit full of antioxidants and phytonutrients. Eat cucumber with silicon is also so very hydrating and guacamole for the essential fatty acids, and jicama or (non-GMO) corn chips with sea salt for the minerals. Admittedly, I have a hard time saying no to the fruity drinks, desserts and coffee after over stuffing myself. Fortunately, every restaurant now has gluten free options and don’t get me wrong, the food here is literally “to die for.”  There are also lots of decadent options to “live for” too!

So how do we manage to remain healthy and self-loving when temptation is all around? What’s the Savvy Secret? When going to the all you can eat buffet, simply ask yourself before choosing,
“Is this (real food) going to give me life affirming energy and help me feel good or 
will I feel like a beached whale afterwards?” 
The good news is that our loving bodies will let us know pretty quickly the answer. It is up to us to be conscious enough to listen.

Water with lime never tasted so good! Ceviche, guacamole, and a cornucopia of greens, sprouts, tapenade and papaya…..Yes I am in heaven here… eating, sleeping, and sometimes over indulging.

(See below for a workshop on why spring cleanse is a good idea.)

Carpe Diem!

PS I'm back tonight. Come Join Us Tomorrow for a Free Yoga Workshop!

Asana Clinic: Bring all your Questions about Yoga..from Meditation to Asana 
Sat, April 9 , 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Great Falls Studio

1, Free Workshop ~ sign up for free ~

2. Sunday Join my colleage and friend Lauren @ her workshop:

3. Our friends at Neck Back & Beyond Wellness Center is having an OPEN HOUSE! April 10 (Sunday) from noon – 5 pm. Get your fill of free classes, health assessments, and so much more!

4. This evening and tomorrow Dr Deborah Norris is giving a workshop on science based Mind-Body for Cancer 6:30-9:30pm today and 9-5pm on Saturday 301-986-1090 Free if you've been diagnosed with cancer. 


Lisa is an author, inspirational speaker, retired RN, certified health coach, and yoga teacher.

Her book, Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think & Thrive: Seven Steps to Optimal Health is a self health book to enable healing from within. Her goal is to inspire wellness and to help others look and feel their best at any age.

Lisa is part of the New Self Health Movement, the International Health Coach Association and the Wellness Inspired Network. She is the mother of four adult children, a Grandmother, and believes that optimal health should not be a secret! When she is not coaching, speaking and writing, you can find her practicing yoga and joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance at every opportunity.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Make Love

Make Love

Today doug and I are leaving for a much needed vacation. There are natural rhythms to life that we must heed for optimal health. Even rescue dogs need time for positive social interaction and relaxation. After 4 hours of working they need to stop for rest and play or they suffer both in poor performance and depression.

Those that work the night shift often suffer from both depression and obesity. There is a natural and powerful diurnal rhythm, which is why getting to sleep by 10 pm can yield greater rest on overtaxed adrenals as demonstrated in adrenal stress tests. 

Eating local and seasonal food is another way to find harmony and balance in the body and ensure diversity in the diet as well. As I explain in my soon to be released cook book, diversity in the diet is the #1 differentiator in a study on the 20% of women with BRAC 1 and 2 mutations who did NOT get cancer. Yes, we really can positively prevent and protect the body from cancers and reoccurrence through the "chemotherapy" on our plates! We discuss this and more, every Wednesday in our nutrition support group at The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders in Bethesda, Maryland.

This is further proven by personal stories of Radical Remissions that I've been posting about this month. If you or a loved one has cancer or is concerned about the rising cancer rates and want to know about prevention this is a must read!  BTW, today is the last day to get 30% off of Dr Turner's online transformational course. To quote her, "If we are going to win the war on cancer, then shouldn't we be studying those who've already won?" For more information click HERE

I believe we need a new paradigm, one on making love instead of war. I'm awed and inspired by one story of a radical remission thriver, a 45 year old Japenese CEO who was sent home to die with hospice after undergoing chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, all the big guns that conventional medicine had to offer.  What was one of his secrets that helped him heal against all odds? In addition to drinking pure clean water, breathing exercises and meditation, he decided to start sending loving messages to his cancer. He says, 
"When I returned home, I tried to find the reason I was suffering from cancer, and I realized I created this cancer myself. I created it because I worked so hard and I didn't sleep. I created it! So, I thought this cancer was my child. And I sent love to my cancer, and pain decreased and I could sleep fine. The next morning when I got up, my mind, my head, my brain was so clear that I didn't use any painkillers...So, I stopped painkillers and instead of that, when I had pain, I said, "0h, thank you very much for saying you are hurting. I love you, my child." I touched this (points to his kidney) and said to my cancer, "I love you, I love you, I love you." And pain decreased. That's why I sent love to my cancer always, from morning till night...Unconditional love, that's unconditional love. I said to it, "Thank you very much for existing."

In my private coaching I always say, "Ask not what's wrong with me, but what's right? What loving messages is your body giving you from ease to dis-ease?" Just like an unhappy child, the more you ignore, the louder one gets!

So vacations are essential. Giving your mind, body and spirit time to rest, digest, heal and repair are essential for optimal health and wellness. You can now bet what I'll be doing on vacation☺️ Carpe Diem!
With Love & Gratitide,

Lisa is an author, inspirational speaker, retired RN, certified health coach and yoga teacher. Her book, Savvy Secrets: Eat,Think & Thrive; Seven Steps to Optimal Health, is a self health book to enable healing from within.  Her goal is to inspire wellness and to help others look and feel their best at any age. Lisa is part of the New Self Health Movement, the International Health Coach Association and the Wellness Inspired Network. She is the mother of four adult children, a Grandmother, and believes that optimal health should not be a secret! When she is not coaching, speaking and writing, you can find her practicing yoga and joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance at ever